Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Bar and Glass...

     What if you only had one more day to see the sun rise in the morning?  What if the next sunset you saw was lost behind bars and glass?  How would you take it all in?  Would you sleep and miss it?  Or would you grasp at everything you knew to be wrong in your life?  How would you accept your fate?  On your knees, cowering in the shadows, or standing tall knowing this is not the end?  Would you be prepared for the outcome?  Or would you allow the beginning to be a final judgement of finality?

Checks and Balances...

Freedom in America is a lie, everything consists of checks and balances, credit cards and late fees.  Who cares if you have depression and you leave a job for a few weeks to try and reevaluate your life, your decisions and your reasons for living?  Who cares when your mother dies and a hole that can never be filled is suddenly in your chest?  The government doesn't, but maybe your friends and family do.  Checks and balances, people, checks and balances, and this guy is about ready to just check out.