Saturday, January 20, 2018

Act 1: Chardonnay And Traces of Lipstick, Available on Amazon

Available On Amazon

             See the city of Knoxville through the eyes of a man of the night. When a male prostitute falls in love after one night of raw emotion and passion, what happens next? What road lies ahead for Sean as he ponders a life of monogamy and peace? When the one real love of his life is out of his grasp, what will he do? How will a man that only knows pleasure and seduction survive? Is love at first sight possible? Can a man trained for one way of life change over night? All of these questions and more are waiting to be answered inside. See the sights and imagine the pleasure with "Chardonnay & Traces of Lipstick." 

"You feel like you are on Market Square."
"I could smell The Old City."
"Raw passion and a pure joy to read."
"Cliffhanger endings done right."

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