Sunday, June 11, 2017


I saw fireworks in her eyes and splashes of light in the sky as I came with her, she released the fence and held me tight, her pussy massaging every last drop out of me, her juices running down our thighs.
Cynthia began to cry on my shoulder as I eased out of her and carried her back to the car, setting her down and lifting her face to mine.  I kissed her lips softly once before the first shot rang out, glass shattering, people still partying at the clubs behind the lot.  At first I thought it was a loud radio, or in some place, off in the distance, across the city or across the planet.  The second shot told me it was much closer, too close.  The back window of the Lincoln busted out, spraying Cynthia's back and my face with glass.  The shots were targeted at someone near us, or so I thought.  The third loud bang and flash of light, impact sounded closer still, sparks flew off the trunk of the car.  Cynthia gasped as I pulled her close to me and down onto the hard pavement of the parking lot.  Through the shattered glass of the car windows I could clearly hear the guitar solo of Guns N Roses "Don't Cry" playing on the radio.  A car door was opened, under the car I could see feet, racing in our direction.  Slowing when they reached the car, coming around the side in slow motion.  Shots four and five came from above us, a ski mask, gold teeth, pressure in my stomach.  The seventh and final shot

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