Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Cheating Society

Why is it so hard to be faithful?  Why are we determined to ruin good relationships with side chicks and emotional chaos?  Why does the life one leads have to appear to be extravagant to pass for important?  I guess a better question would be, why is it so easy for modern civilization to cheat?  Why is being a side chick acceptable and why are so many women okay with it?  One guess, these women have been hurt so many times that they would rather be a side option, where only a little bit of time is required.  These women have no expectations of Prince Charming and the happy ever after, because it has never been placed before them in a plausible manner.  But what of the men, can women truly be expected to take the blame for this trend in society?  More to come as I gather my thoughts, not my thots, they've already all left by now I'm sure.

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