Wednesday, April 12, 2017

In The Beginning

Blog 1: How Do I Start?
How do I start a blog? Why does it even matter? Nobody is going to read this shit anyway. And if they do, they probably won't come back. We live in a society on the edge of destruction, a self induced wave of stupidity. The problems we have are created by us. We live in a world ruled by technology but the generations are slowly getting dumber. If the so called fact is on the internet, then the photoshopped image and message must be true. Why should anything be remembered if we can use Google and Wikipedia? Bret Easton Ellis wrote of emotional wastelands in the valleys and beaches of 1980s California, but those wastelands void of feeling, purpose and caring about right from wrong have spread across America like a plague. We'll, I guess I answered my own question with this glorious diatribe about the crumbling of modern society. PEACE!!!

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