Saturday, April 15, 2017

How Do We Move On?

Can I fix these things with a blog?  No, but will a few people take something away from this?  Yes.  Will it lead to them talking?  Hopefully.  Will they act on anything I have said here?  Maybe.  But the important part of the healing process is to talk.  An egg is laid in the mind, only to hatch into an idea.  The institution is collapsing, failing us, failing our children, one day at a time.  The teachers are being paid less, the students are being led by a carrot!  The parents are stuck with super couponing and whimsical purchases on sites like  What's for dinner?  The McRibs are on sale but the new crab cakes at Seafood Shotgun Shack are two for one.  Smash the televisions, send your kids out to play.  But send them out with pepper spray and a shotgun because the perverts are lurking around.  I get so tired of nostalgia but when I was a kid, the sun setting was the house call, the distance I could travel before then, was my limits.  As I grew older, those distances increased.  But now, kids can't go out front of the house for fear of getting shot, raped or kidnapped.  So turn the TV back on and forget this whole epic speech.

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