Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How Did We Get Here?

You want to know what led to this?  I'll tell you, I'll be blunt, I'll be honest.  Goody Powders.  Those little cocaine looking packets of headache medicine in blue boxes, it brought us here.  Goody Powders brought us to this point of digital interaction.  And at this point, it is entirely possible to do everything except purchase a pack of cigarettes without interacting with another human being, be it physically or vocally.  You have stay at home jobs, self check-out registers or even grocery purchases online.  Social interaction is no longer required to exist in the world.  Where was I?  Goody Powder.  My mother had been addicted to them for years, 15 or 20 a day.  Multiple ulcers, countless lesions.  Bleed-outs had happened, but she just couldn't give the things up.  I really don't want to go into the details right now, so I'll just say this.  They killed her, led to a massive rupture and bleed-out when one of those ulcers opened up and within seconds she was gone.  My mother died alone that day last August, and I haven't written a word since then.  Until now, I mean, why should I?  Whose gonna read this shit when they have TV, XBox, YouTube and PornHub to take a gander at all fucking day long?  We live in a society of over-stimulation and under-saturation!

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